DeepDISOBind predictor of disordered protein, RNA and DNA binding residues

DeepDISOBind webserver

DeepDISOBind provides predictions of the disordered residues that interact with proteins, DNA and RNA.

Please follow the three steps below to make predictions:

1. Upload a file with protein sequences, or paste them into text area

This webserver accepts up to 20 FASTA-formated protein sequences. See Help for details of the input.

2. Provide email address (optional)

Please provide your email address to be notified when results are ready(optional).

3. Predict:

Click button to launch prediction.


The user should submit the protein sequence(s) in FASTA format.

The format of the input file is as follows (Here is an example of input file.)

  • Line1: >protein ID
  • Line2: protein sequence (1-letter amino acid encoding)

Each protein requires two lines and multiple proteins should be placed in consecutive lines.


    Datasets used to design and evaluate DeepDISOBind:
  • Training dataset: Click here to download
  • Test dataset: Click here to download
  • Prediction for the human proteome: Click here to download.

Stand-alone package

The stand-alone package of DeepDISOBind can be download from below link:



We acknowledge with thanks the following software used as a part of this server: